2010년 12월 31일 금요일

전화기의 역사 전화기알려주세여~

전화기의 역사 전화기알려주세여~

전화기 전화기의 역사

전화기의 역사

1. 개요

1876년 벨(A. G. Bell)에 의해 발명된 전화는 복잡한 기호의 조합에 의해서만 소통이 가능했던 모스전신의 한계를 뛰어넘어, 일반대중이 쉽게 사용할 수 있는 전기통신의 새 지평을 열었다. 벨이 발명할 당시 1:1통신에 불과했던 전화는 신소재의 개발, 교환기술의발달,호출방식의 변화,컴퓨터와의 결합등을 거치면서 근대 기계문명의 발달과 그 괘를 같이 하며 급격히 성장하여 오늘날에는 없어서는 안될 중요한 사회요소가 되었다. 초기의 전화기는 손으로 자석발전기를 돌려 교환원을 불러 상대방을 호출하는 자석식 전화기였다. 그 후 1877년 에디슨(T.E.Edison)에 의해 탄소송화기가 발명되고, 유도코일이 이용되면서 통화거리가 연장되었으며, 같은 해 훅크 스위치의 발명에 이어 1880년에는 수화기만 들면 곧바로 교환원과 연결되는 공전식 전화기가 제작되었다. 그리고 1891년에는 스트로우져(A.B.STROWGER)에 의해 자동식 다이얼 전화기가 발명되기에 이른다. 우리나라의 전화기도입은 1882년 상운에 의해 최초로 이루어졌지만, 1890년대에 가서야 실용화 된다. 최초의 통화방식은 역시 자석식이었으며, 1908년 공전식, 1935년 자동식(기계식)에 이어 1970년대 이후 현재는 전자식(MFC)전화기가 상용되고 있다.

2. 자석식 전화기

벨에 의해 전화가 발명될 당시의 전화가 바로 자석식 전화기이다. 초기에는 두명의 가입자를 연결하는 한개의 선로에 의해 신호를 주고받아 상대방을 호출하여 통화하는 직통회선방식이었으나, 다수의 가입자를 하나의 망으로 연결하여 통화하고자 하는 가입자들을 그때 그때 수동으로 연결시켜주는 교환방식이 개발되어 비로소 전화는 사회적인 통신수단으로서의 본모습을 찾아가게 되었다.

3. 공전식 전화기

자석식 전화기는 이전에는 상상도 할 수 없는 원거리 통신을 가능하게 하였지만, 가입자가 교환원을 호출하거나, 교환원이 상대방가입자를 호출할 때, 자석발전기를 힘들여 돌려야만 하고, 또한 각 전화기마다 통화전류를 공급할 건전지를 연결해야만 하는 단점이 있었다. 이러한 단점을 해결한 것이 바로 공전식 전화기이다. 공전식 전화기는 모든 가입자의 통화전류를 전화국의 축전지에서 공급하는 공동전지식으로, 가입자가 수화기만 들면 회선에 직류전류가 흘러 교환대에 설치된 램프를 점등시켜 교환원을 호출할 수 있게 되었고, 교환원 역시 상대가입자를 간단한 스위치 조작만으로 호출할 수 있게 되었다.

4. 자동식 전화기

산업화의 진행과 더불어 전화가입자수요는 폭발적으로 증가하였다. 이에 대응 하여 전화는 다시한번 획기적인 변신을 하게 된다. 가입자의 숫적 증가는 수동에 의한 교환방식의 한계점을 노출하였고 이에 따라 가입자가 직접 통화하고자 하는 상대방을 호출하면 기계가 연결시켜 주는 자동교환방식이 성립된 것이다. 최초로 개발된 자동식 전화기는 ST교환기와 연결된 다이얼식 전화기였다. 다이얼식 전화기는 가입자가 회전식 다이얼을 돌려 국번,천,백,십,일단위의 직류펄스를 송출하면, 기계식교환기가 다이얼의 회전수에 따라 통화선을 차례차례 찾아나가 상대방가입자를 연결해 주는 방식이다.

이거 영어로 작성해주세요

학교 수행평가라 ㅠㅠ


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클릭하시면 전화기관련 추천사이트에 대한 정보를 한눈에 쉽게 보실 수 있습니다.

Telephone History 1. Outline 1876 Bell (AG Bell) invented by a complex combination of symbols on the phone communication was possible only by the limits of the Morse telegraph, readily available to the public telecommunications has opened new horizons. Bell invented the telephone at 1:01 only to communicate the development of new materials, exchange of technology development, changing the way calls, combined with the computer and go through the development of modern technological civilization and its rapid growth, and the like gwaereul Nowadays, social elements have been indispensable. Magneto first hand the phone to call the operator back to the other phone call was a magnet. After the 1877 Edison (TEEdison) was invented by a carbon-pine stage, using an induction coil as the distance was extended call, the same year in 1880 after the invention of Hook Type switches only for hydration is associated with an operator immediately telephones gongjeonsik was built. And in 1891 seuteurowoojyeo (ABSTROWGER) by becoming the invention of automatic dial telephone leads. The introduction of the telephone sangun country by 1882, but the first place, in the 1890s Coatzalcoalcos is practical. The first call was way too magnetic, gongjeonsik 1908, 1935 automatic (mechanical), followed by the electronic and since 1970 (MFC) is commercially available phone. 2. Magnetic phone Bell's telephone was invented by the phone that the phone is magnetic. Initially, one of two lines to connect subscribers to call each other by a signal jugobatah direct line to call the method but a large number of subscribers to the call to a subscriber's mangeuro connection manually, and then linking them, then telephone switching system was developed only as a means of social communication has been a weakness who you really are. 3. Gongjeonsik Phones Magnetic phone, you can not have previously imagined possible telecommunications, but the operator calls the subscriber or other subscribers, call the operator, the magnets have to turn the generator was working, and also for each phone call to Current must provide the disadvantage of a battery was connected. To resolve these problems, it is gongjeonsik phone. Gongjeonsik phone call of all the subscribers of telephone currents from the battery to supply all the knowledge together, the subscriber is a sign for only DC current flows in line exchanges installed by lighting the lamp was able to call the operator, operator Subscribers also a relative was able to call with a simple switch operation. 4. Automatic telephone With the progress of industrialization, the explosive growth of demand was a telephone subscriber. In response, the phone is once again a significant transformation. Outnumbered by the increase of subscribers in exchange for passive exposure of the limitations and accordingly wish to speak directly to the subscriber by calling each other by connecting the machine is reached, an automated switching system. ST developed the first automatic telephone switch was connected to a dial telephone. A rotary dial phone subscribers dial prefix, 1000, 100, 10, a DC pulse transmitting a daily basis, the mechanical rotation of the dial switch on the phone line, which in turn is a way to connect subscribers chatahnaga other . 이거 틀릴수도 있음. 구글 번역기를 써서
Telephone History 1. Outline 1876 Bell (AG Bell) invented by a complex combination of symbols on the phone communication was possible only by the limits of the Morse telegraph, readily available to the public telecommunications has opened new horizons. Bell invented the telephone at 1:01 only to communicate the development of new materials, exchange of technology development, changing the way calls, combined with the computer and go through the development of modern technological civilization and its rapid growth, and the like gwaereul Nowadays, social elements have been indispensable. Magneto first hand the phone to call the operator back to the other phone call was a magnet. After the 1877 Edison (TEEdison) was invented by a carbon-pine stage, using an induction coil as the distance was extended call, the same year in 1880 after the invention of Hook Type switches only for hydration is associated with an operator immediately telephones gongjeonsik was built. And in 1891 seuteurowoojyeo (ABSTROWGER) by becoming the invention of automatic dial telephone leads. The introduction of the telephone sangun country by 1882, but the first place, in the 1890s Coatzalcoalcos is practical. The first call was way too magnetic, gongjeonsik 1908, 1935 automatic (mechanical), followed by the electronic and since 1970 (MFC) is commercially available phone. 2. Magnetic phone Bell's telephone was invented by the phone that the phone is magnetic. Initially, one of two lines to connect subscribers to call each other by a signal jugobatah direct line to call the method but a large number of subscribers to the call to a subscriber's mangeuro connection manually, and then linking them, then telephone switching system was developed only as a means of social communication has been a weakness who you really are. 3. Gongjeonsik Phones Magnetic phone, you can not have previously imagined possible telecommunications, but the operator calls the subscriber or other subscribers, call the operator, the magnets have to turn the generator was working, and also for each phone call to Current must provide the disadvantage of a battery was connected. To resolve these problems, it is gongjeonsik phone. Gongjeonsik phone call of all the subscribers of telephone currents from the battery to supply all the knowledge together, the subscriber is a sign for only DC current flows in line exchanges installed by lighting the lamp was able to call the operator, operator Subscribers also a relative was able to call with a simple switch operation. 4. Automatic telephone With the progress of industrialization, the explosive growth of demand was a telephone subscriber. In response, the phone is once again a significant transformation. Outnumbered by the increase of subscribers in exchange for passive exposure of the limitations and accordingly wish to speak directly to the subscriber by calling each other by connecting the machine is reached, an automated switching system. ST developed the first automatic telephone switch was connected to a dial telephone. A rotary dial phone subscribers dial prefix, 1000, 100, 10, a DC pulse transmitting a daily basis, the mechanical rotation of the dial switch on the phone line, which in turn is a way to connect subscribers chatahnaga other . 답변 부탁

전화기전화기의 역사

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